SEO Extent


How to optimize product pages – 6 Tips to help you

Product pages are important for obvious reasons.

You spend countless hours of research, planning and execution to be able to create an awesome product. Add your sleepless nights to that, and you will understand the real value of your product and the importance of selling it.

If you have done all that hard work behind the scene and there are a bunch of awesome products ready to be sold on your e-store, make sure your product pages are thoroughly optimized for the customers to come, view, love and buy your products.

I come across many e-stores – like many of those literally – that have crappy product pages on their websites.

That’s disappointing…

Make sure you aren’t one of them. Here I have 6 simple and working tips for you to help you optimize your product pages (if you haven’t optimized already), and boost the conversion rate.

Think about your customers first

Everything you implement on your e-store should focus on the single important thing – how it can improve sales. With the ‘customers first’ attitude and mindset you can definitely bring something valuable to the table. If your customers find a value in your products and determine your products are worth buying, the job is done.

So, how do you optimize your product pages with the “customers first” mindset?

Make a list of things that your target customers like and dislike about your products and similar products found on other stores.

Look at how others (especially the industry leaders) are designing their product pages.

If your customers like a visual representation (3D video) other than just images, try that on your page.

Test the effectiveness of the colors you’ve used and the colors other reputable sellers have used.

Check if your product pages are user-friendly. This means the page should be able to provide all the necessary info and product features your potential customers would like to see.

These are some of the basic things you need to implement. Most themes already take these points into account while developing the functionality. And if the theme doesn’t itself cover all of these, you may install additional plugins to do the trick.

So, develop a “customers first” mindset.

Mention your product details clearly

Add every small detail about your product that you think your customers might be interested in. There was a time when people were too much dependent on words of their friends or relatives before buying anything. I don’t say “word of mouth” is dead, but the modern-day e-stores are proficient enough to provide an immersive experience to the users, and the need of asking for opinion has become almost zero.

I’m sure you got the point, right?

Your page should provide them with enough knowledge about your product that they don’t even need to ask anyone about the usage of the product.

On the product page, mention every single detail about your product, what it is built for, what else it can offer, how it can benefit the users etc.

Provide great user experience

Users or customers must have a great experience on the product pages. They must enjoy the time they spend on the page reading about the detailed features of the product and how it can benefit the users.

This has to be your #1 priority.

Besides mentioning the real stand-out features of the product and its real benefits to the users, you should also try to make the content well-structured and properly formatted. So, include tables, short paragraphs, bullet lists, graphics or video elements to enhance the readability of the text, and overall look of the page.

If human users like your product page, search engines will automatically like them.

Make the page load fast

Slow loading pages are frustrating.

Everybody hates pages that take a lot of time to load. Here ‘a lot of time’ doesn’t mean 10 minutes or an hour. In case of web pages, even 15 seconds is ‘a lot of time’. Nobody has that much time to wait for a page finish loading. If your page is slow to load, then there are hundreds of others to steal these users from your page to theirs.

So, speed matters.

Try to optimize the product images and other graphical elements used on the page. Make sure the plugins you’ve used are of the latest version and properly optimized, and there are no bugs. Using optimized light weight coding is also a good practice. There are a number of ways you can achieve fast loading pages. And remember, product pages MUST load fast (i.e. within 4 seconds, the faster the better).

Name the images properly

You’ve just learned above that you need to optimize or compress product images and decrease their file size. That is part of Image SEO. Similarly, naming images is also an Image SEO technique.

Search engines don’t see images, they only understand text. Therefore, you must create keyword-rich and descriptive file names for your images, and use the same descriptive text as your Alt attribute text.

For example, if you’re selling watches online and the default generic names for the watch shots assigned by your camera could look like DCMIMAGE29062020.jpg. You need to replace those image file names with something like “Vortic Springfield 204 Black Minimalist.jpg”.

You get the point, right? Proper naming is a good practice to help your product images rank on Google image search page and other image search platforms.

Since we’re talking about product pages that contain images of the products, Image SEO must be in place.

Provide useful answers

Users come onto pages with a bunch of questions. Some they know and some they don’t. But, one thing is clear – they want answers.

You need to understand this fact and prepare yourself to answer all their questions in simple and clear language on your product page.

Providing the unique features and the benefits is common. But I’d like you to step further and find out

if there’s anything that your competitors don’t have on their product pages,

if there’s anything that the potential buyers might have in their mind but don’t know how to ask

if there’s any futuristic answer to any question that might come in the future

Your answers have to be useful and be able to convert the users to customers.

If you ever need any assistance in optimizing your product pages or SEO for the entire e-commerce store or service website, SEO Extent should be a one-stop solution for you.

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